Monday 10 August 2015

Kesh King Herbal Shampoo Review

After reviewing the kesh king oil in my previous blog, now its time to review another product from the same company i.e kesh king herbal shampoo.

As the pack states it is a herbal shampoo with benefits of aloe vera. The shampoo is green liquid and fragrance is negligible. The texture of the shampoo is silky and is easily applicable on the hair. The quantity depends on the length of the hair and whether hair is oily or not.


1. Take a little shampoo or according to the hair length.
2. Apply on wet hair.
3. Massage gently on the scalp.
4. Leave it for few seconds.
5. Rinse thoroughly with water.
6. If required follow the same procedure once again.


1. The hair feel clean and refreshed after first wash itself.
2. It removes oil from the hair in a single wash.
3. Second wash is required if only if hair still remains oily.
4. There is no fragrance of the shampoo.
5. Hair feel bouncy and shinier after couple of uses.
6. As the shampoo is mild it can be used on regular bases.

My hair felt bouncier after using it for three weeks after every alternate day. I don't feel it contributed to my hair fall but still hair feels smooth and clean after each and every wash.


Results vary on skin to skin basis. Don't worry if u are not getting the results within the time frame i have described. To be sure ask a skin expert before using it on your skin.

I would be happy to hear it from you as well. Kindly write to me on if you want a specific product to be reviewed.

Friday 7 August 2015

Kesh King Hair Oil Review

I am reviewing the Kesh King Hair Oil available in India today. This review is for all those people who are suffering from hair loss, dandruff, itchy scalp and other hair problems.

As I have been using this product from last 3 months now i guess i am in a position to review it for all of you who want to use this product.
I had a problem of huge amount of hair fall and dandruff. Dandruff flakes would fall from my head whenever i rubbed the scalp with my finger nails. I started using this product everyday by pouring a large quantity of oil on the head directly and then would rub the hair. After doing this for a month i noticed there was no change in my hair condition, i was still losing hair at the same rate.

I was on the verge of leaving it but then i realized the instructions may be wrong. I started applying a little quantity every alternate day directly on my scalp with the help of fingertips and would rub it on the scalp for a minute or so very gently. Then i would leave it overnight and wash it in the morning with a mild shampoo. After using it for another month i saw that the hair fall was very less. My hair had become a little thick and the texture was smooth and felt better.

If you have used this product and never got any results, give it a try once again with the method i have described and you will surely see the difference.


1. Take out the required quantity of hair oil in a open mouth container.
2. Apply it directly on the scalp with the fingertips.
3. Message gently on the scalp.
4. Leave it overnight for best results.
5. Rinse of with a mild shampoo. You don't need any hard shampoos to rinse it off.
6. Use the hair oil every alternate day for best results, as i am still using it every alternate day.


1. Reduces hair fall.
2. Reduces dandruff.
3. Thickens the hairs.
4. Gives hairs texture and smoothness.


1. Don't rub the hair oil too hard on your scalp.
2. Don't apply large quantity at a time, it will not show any result quicker.
3. Don't use harsh shampoos to remove the oil.
4. Don't use it everyday, rather use it on alternate days and leave it overnight.


Results vary on skin to skin basis. Don't worry if u are not getting the results within the time frame i have described. To be sure ask a skin expert before using it on your skin.

I would be happy to hear it from you as well. Kindly write to me on if you want a specific product to be reviewed.

Monday 20 July 2015

Vicco Turmeric Cream Review

What better product to start the blog with during such a huge campaign of 'Make In India'. Yes, i am starting my blog by reviewing a product made in India, which i have been using for last 1 year now.

First of all it is a normal Vicco Turmeric Cream and not the Vicco Turmeric WSO one. The picture used in this blog is taken from the internet as it gives a little professional touch.


My mother recommended me Vicco Turmeric Cream when i had a bad acne break out on my face and was not able to cure it using other products available in the market. I started using it after washing my face with a regular face wash available in the market.

Method I Used:-

At night before going to bed i would wash my face and apply a very thin layer of Vicco Turmeric Cream on my face and would let in dry for sometime. I use to go to sleep applying the cream on my face over night. Within 1 week of using the cream i could see the result. My Acne has started to wear off and skin was becoming smooth. After 3 weeks the acne was rarely visible and my skin looked and felt better than before. After regularly using it for 6 weeks my acne was completely gone and skin looked beautiful. I still use it as a regular cream sometimes to keep the tone and texture of my face skin.

Other Uses:-

  1. Curing Acne.
  2. Curing minor cuts.
  3. Curing Spot Acne.
  4. Can be used as a Regular face cream.
  5. Curing dark spots.
  6. Curing minor allergic skin reactions.
  7. Curing rashes on the skin.
  8. Curing rashes or cuts or bruises on sensitive areas.
  9. Can be used as an aftershave cream.


Results vary on skin to skin basis. Don't worry if u are not getting the results within the time frame i have described. To be sure ask a skin expert before using it on your skin.

I would be happy to hear it from you as well. Kindly write to me on if you want a specific product to be reviewed.